About Us













We are small business consultants who care about the future of our clients.

We have experience in business operations and management and also in teaching accounting.

Many businesses fail to succeed due to poor financial management, lack of knowledge and lack of cash flow.

We always ask the following:

  • Why are you going into business?

  • Are you willing to work hard and probably sacrifice personal time?

  • What are your future aspirations

  • Do you have experience in what you are proposing?

  • Do you have accounting expertise?

  • Do you have the required capital available?

Please proceed with caution and conservatism

Our fees will not break your bank, but a bad investment could!!

Before you invest your hard-earned money, please contact us.  We could save you from a ruined future.

I live in the Crows Nest area and it amazes me to see how many empty shops that there are in Willoughby Road, that were once occupied. I often wonder, how much money has been lost and anxiety suffered, due to these closures".

A simple financial health check could have possibly prevented this!!!  

Bankruptcy is not a pleasant experience.








Willoughby Road-Crows Nest